What Does Post Mean in Medical Terms

What Does Post Mean in Medical Terms

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a strong piece of timber, metal, or the like, set upright as a support, a point of attachment, a place for displaying notices, etc.

Furniture. one of the principal uprights of a piece of furniture, as one supporting a chair back or forming one corner of a chest of drawers. Compare stump (def. 11).

Papermaking. a stack of 144 sheets of handmolded paper, interleaved with felt.

Horse Racing. a pole on a racetrack indicating the point where a race begins or ends: the starting post.

the lane of a racetrack farthest from the infield; the outside lane. Compare pole1 (def. 4).

Digital Technology.

  1. an online message that is submitted to a message board or electronic mailing list.
  2. text, images, etc., that are placed on a website: a blog post.

a thin metal bar affixed to the back of an earring and designed to pass through a pierced earlobe.

verb (used with object)

to affix (a notice, bulletin, etc.) to a post, wall, or the like.

to bring to public notice by or as by a poster or bill: to post a reward.

to denounce by a public notice or declaration: They were posted as spies.

to publish the name of in a list: to post a student on the dean's list.

to publish the name of (a ship) as missing or lost.

to placard (a wall, fence, etc.) with notices, bulletins, etc.: The wall was posted with announcements.

to put up signs on (land or other property) forbidding trespassing: The estate has been posted by the owner.

Digital Technology.

  1. to submit (an online message) to a message board or electronic mailing list.
  2. to place (text, images, etc.) on a website: I just posted some photos of my trip.

verb (used without object)

Digital Technology.

  1. to submit an online message to a message board or electronic mailing list.
  2. to place text, images, etc., on a website.



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Origin of post


First recorded before 1000; Middle English, Old English, from Latin postis "a post, doorpost," whence also Dutch, Low German post, German Pfosten


postless, adverb postlike, adjective

Other definitions for post (2 of 5)


a position of duty, employment, or trust to which one is assigned or appointed: a diplomatic post.

the station or rounds of a person on duty, as a soldier, sentry or nurse.

a military station with permanent buildings.

a local unit of a veterans' organization.

a place in the stock exchange where a particular stock is traded.

(in the British military services) either of two bugle calls (first post and last post ) giving notice of the time to retire for the night, similar in purpose to the U.S. taps.

the body of troops occupying a military station.

verb (used with object)

to place or station at a post.

to provide or put up, as bail.

to appoint to a post of command.

Origin of post


First recorded in 1590–1600; from French poste, from Italian posto, from Latin positum, neuter of positus, past participle of pōnere "to place, put"; see posit

synonym study for post

Other definitions for post (3 of 5)


Chiefly British.

  1. a single dispatch or delivery of mail.
  2. the mail itself.
  3. the letters and packages being delivered to a single recipient.
  4. an established mail system or service, especially under government authority.

(formerly) one of a series of stations along a route, for furnishing relays of men and horses for carrying mail, currency, etc.

(formerly) a person who traveled express, especially over a fixed route, carrying mail, currency, etc.

Printing. a size of printing paper or, especially in Britain, of drawing or writing paper, about 16 × 20 inches (41 × 51 centimeters).

post octavo, a size of book, from about 5 × 8 inches to 5.25 × 8.25 inches (13 × 20 centimeters to 13.33 × 21 centimeters), untrimmed, in the United States; 5 × 8 inches (13 × 20 centimeters), untrimmed, in England. Abbreviation: post 8vo

post quarto, Chiefly British. a size of book, about 8 × 10 inches (20 × 25 cm), untrimmed. Abbreviation: post 4vo

verb (used with object)

Chiefly British. to place in a post office or a mailbox for transmission; mail.


  1. to transfer (an entry or item), as from the journal to the ledger.
  2. to enter (an item) in due place and form.
  3. to make all the requisite entries in (the ledger, etc.).

to supply with up-to-date information; inform: Keep me posted on his activities.

verb (used without object)

Manège. to rise from and descend to the saddle in accordance with the rhythm of a horse at a trot.

to travel with speed; go or pass rapidly; hasten.

Origin of post


First recorded in 1500–10; from French poste, from Italian posta, from Latin posita, feminine of positus, past participle of pōnere "to place, put"; see post2

Other definitions for post (4 of 5)


Charles William, 1854–1914, U.S. businessman: developed breakfast foods.

Emily Price, 1873?–1960, U.S. writer on social etiquette.

George Browne, 1837–1913, U.S. architect.

Wiley, 1899–1935, U.S. aviator.

Other definitions for post (5 of 5)

a prefix, meaning "behind," "after," "later," "subsequent to," "posterior to," occurring originally in loanwords from Latin (postscript), but now used freely in the formation of compound words (post-Elizabethan; postfix; postgraduate; postorbital).

a prefix occurring in compound words that refer to an environment in which the thing expressed in the second element of the word is no longer relevant or significant (post-truth; post-fact; post-race; post-gender).

Origin of post-

From Latin, combining form representing post (adverb and preposition)

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2021

How to use post in a sentence

  • Who among Scalise's constituents could possibly care if he supported naming a post office for a black judge who died in 1988?

  • Her post-crown fame, though, only further begs the question: Why has there not been another Jewish Miss America since 1945?

  • Women are more likely to recover sooner from birth and less likely to experience post-partum depression.

  • Another set of hackers that goes by the name the Lizard Squad told the Washington Post that they helped with the Sony hack.

  • In the wake of this turmoil, the New York Post reported that the police had stopped policing.

  • I waited three months more, in great impatience, then sent him back to the same post, to see if there might be a reply.

  • If Mac had been alone he would have made the post by sundown, for the Mounted Police rode picked horses, the best money could buy.

  • The Café tender was asleep in his chair; the porter had gone off; the sentinel alone kept awake on his post.

  • Harry had no further adventures in reaching Fulton, and at once reported to Captain Duffield, who was in command of the post.

  • This, of course, I always gave to the guide to use in sending the letter when he got to the trading-post.

British Dictionary definitions for post (1 of 5)


a length of wood, metal, etc, fixed upright in the ground to serve as a support, marker, point of attachment, etc

horse racing

  1. either of two upright poles marking the beginning (starting post) and end (winning post) of a racecourse
  2. the finish of a horse race

any of the main upright supports of a piece of furniture, such as a four-poster bed

verb (tr)

(sometimes foll by up) to fasten or put up (a notice) in a public place

to announce by means of or as if by means of a poster to post banns

to publish (a name) on a list

Word Origin for post

Old English, from Latin postis; related to Old High German first ridgepole, Greek pastas colonnade

British Dictionary definitions for post (2 of 5)


a position to which a person is appointed or elected; appointment; job

a position or station to which a person, such as a sentry, is assigned for duty

a permanent military establishment

British either of two military bugle calls (first post and last post) ordering or giving notice of the time to retire for the night


(tr) to assign to or station at a particular place or position

mainly British to transfer to a different unit or ship on taking up a new appointment, etc

Word Origin for post

C16: from French poste, from Italian posto, ultimately from Latin pōnere to place

British Dictionary definitions for post (3 of 5)


mainly British letters, packages, etc, that are transported and delivered by the Post Office; mail

mainly British a single collection or delivery of mail

British an official system of mail delivery

an item of electronic mail made publicly available

(formerly) any of a series of stations furnishing relays of men and horses to deliver mail over a fixed route

a rider who carried mail between such stations

British another word for pillar box

a size of writing or printing paper, 15 1/4 by 19 inches or 16 1/2 by 21 inches (large post)

any of various book sizes, esp 5 1/4 by 8 1/4 inches (post octavo) and 8 1/4 by 10 1/4 inches (post quarto)

by return of post British by the next mail in the opposite direction


(tr) mainly British to send by post US and Canadian word: mail

(tr) to make (electronic mail) publicly available

(tr) accounting

  1. to enter (an item) in a ledger
  2. (often foll by up) to compile or enter all paper items in (a ledger)

(tr) to inform of the latest news (esp in the phrase keep someone posted)

(intr) (of a rider) to rise from and reseat oneself in a saddle in time with the motions of a trotting horse; perform a rising trot

(intr) (formerly) to travel with relays of post horses

archaic to travel or dispatch with speed; hasten


with speed; rapidly

by means of post horses

Word Origin for post

C16: via French from Italian poste, from Latin posita something placed, from pōnere to put, place

British Dictionary definitions for post (4 of 5)

British Dictionary definitions for post (5 of 5)


after in time or sequence; following; subsequent postgraduate

behind; posterior to postorbital

Word Origin for post-

from Latin, from post after, behind

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Medical definitions for post


After; later: postpartum.

Behind; posterior to: postaxial.

The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Scientific definitions for post

A prefix that means "after," as in postoperative, after an operation, or "behind," as in postnasal, behind the nose or nasal passages.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Other Idioms and Phrases with post

see deaf as a post; from pillar to post; keep posted.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Source: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/post-

Posted by: maxwell-mahontomentioun1947.blogspot.com

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